Only Phony Housing Waiting List Websites Ask for a Fee; Real Ones Never Do.
If you know someone who needs public housing assistance, make sure he or she knows about the Section 8 housing scams that prey on...
Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease and What They Mean
Alzheimer's disease consists of three main stages: mild (sometimes called early-stage, moderate, and severe (sometimes called latestage)....
What income and assets information is required to calculate my rent for low-income subsidized housin
Over the years we have had many discussions with applicants regarding what an applicant must disclose about their income and assets to...
Why is credit history important when applying for HUD subsidized housing with Plano Community Homes
When you apply for HUD subsidized housing one of the things checked by PCHSP is your credit history by comparing it to criteria that will...
What are HUD Section 202/8 and Section 202/ Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRAC) and what they
The HUD Section 202 program historically developed housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities. The program began in the...