"I love my apartment and I am glad to be here for the past 20 years."
Gloria Perez
Resident East Campus
"I love coming to your buildings. They are always so clean and friendly and well taken care of, during all the years I have been delivering meals."
Meals on Wheels Volunteer
I very much have enjoyed my long stay at PCH! It has been 17 years now that I have lived here, and I turned
80 in March. Don't ever want to think of leaving here. I am able to live here comfortably even though my
social security check is small, and I am quite happy with my apartment. Thank you, PCH!
Sue Barber
2 time award for Leadingage Life Enrichment Award
This Award is given for outstanding contributions to the enhancement of the quality of life for residents.
2 time award for Leadingage Volunteer of the Year Award
This award recognizes individuals who have enhanced the quality of life of seniors through volunteer work.
HUD Best Practices Award
This award is for, a program or project with at least two of the following characteristics: positive impact on the people it serves, be useable in other locales, demonstrate how private businesses, government organizations and nonprofit organizations can work together to achieve positive results and show creativity in attacking a problem.
TAHSA Award of Honor
LeadingAge Texas' highest award, is presented to a distinguiseded individual who has demonstrated significant leadership, support and vision which has advanced the field of aging services.
AAHSA Hobart Jackson Social Responsibility Award
Recognizes an individual or organization that has effected positive change through a significant commitment to cultural diversity and inclusion.
4 time award for TAHSA Board Leadership Award
This Award is given to a voluntary leader who is currently serving with distinction on the board of a LeadingAge Texas member organization.
2 time award for Environmental Services Award
This Award recognizes the importance of environmental services employees.
2 time award for TAHSA Customer Service Award
This Award recognizes outstanding service by an individual who has achieved excellence in customer service.
3 time award for TAHSA Leadership Award
4 time award for TAHSA Housing Professional of the Year
This Award recognizes outstanding service by a housing professional.
2 time award for TAHSA Mentor of the Year
This Award is given to an outstanding mentor who has nurtured, coached, counseled and encouraged others in order to help them develop personally and professionally.
2 time award for TAHSA Distinguished Service Award
This award honors the achievements of members or non-members making outstanding contributions toward the welfare of seniors in areas such as research, education, communication, public policy or innovative developments.